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28 Days to Financial Freedom Bootcamp
Welcome! (MP4)
Who You Learn From Matters! (MP4)
My Promise to YOU (MP4)
Step-by-Step Guidebook (PDF)
Day 1: Cast Your Vision #1
Day 1: Cast Your Vision #1
Day 2: Cast Your Vision #2
Day 2: Cast Your Vision #2 (MP4)
Day 3: My Intention
Day 3: My Intention (MP4)
Day 4: How Insulated Am I?
Day 4: How Insulated Am I? (MP4)
Day 5: A Spend Plan – I Like to Shop!
Day 5: A Spend Plan – I Like to Shop! (MP4)
Day 6: Planning When I Don’t Know How Much I’ll Make
Day 6: Planning When I Don’t Know How Much I’ll Make (MP4)
Day 7: Book Your No-Cost Spend Plan Consult with JJ
Day 7: Book Your No-Cost Spend Plan Consult with JJ (MP4)
Day 8: List of Debts
Day 8: List of Debts (MP4)
Day 9: Impact of My Debt on Me Today
Day 9: Impact of My Debt on Me Today (MP4)
Day 10: Impact of My Debt on My Future
Day 10: Impact of My Debt on My Future (MP4)
Day 11: How Can I Earn Extra Cash
Day 11: How Can I Earn Extra Cash (MP4)
Day 12: How Can I Earn Extra Cash, Part 2
Day 12: How Can I Earn Extra Cash, Part 2 (MP4)
Day 13: Internalize The Wealth Commitment
Day 13: Internalize The Wealth Commitment (MP4)
Day 14: My Dump Debt Plan, Part 1
Day 14: My Dump Debt Plan, Part 1 (MP4)
Day 15: My Dump Debt Plan, Part 2
Day 15: My Dump Debt Plan, Part 2
Day 16: Am I Protected From Risk?
Day 16: Am I Protected From Risk?
Day 17: Do I Really Need Life Insurance
Day 17: Do I Really Need Life Insurance
Day 18: Understanding Net Worth
Day 18: Understanding Net Worth
Day 19: What Are My Assets?
Day 19: What Are My Assets?
Day 20: What Is My Net Worth?
Day 20: What Is My Net Worth?
Day 21: Authentic Journalling: My Net Worth
Day 21: Authentic Journalling: My Net Worth
Day 22: What Is My Investment Time Horizon?
Day 22: What Is My Investment Time Horizon?
Day 23: What is My Risk Tolerance?
Day 23: What is My Risk Tolerance?
Day 24: Understanding Investment Options
Day 24: Understanding Investment Options
Day 25: Book Your No-Charge Investment Consult with JJ
Day 25: Book Your No-Charge Investment Consult with JJ
Day 26: Building A Legacy (Paying for School)
Day 26: Building A Legacy (Paying for School)
Day 27: Protecting My Legacy
Day 27: Protecting My Legacy
28 Days to Financial Freedom Bootcamp Day 28: the Journey to Financial Freedom
28 Days to Financial Freedom Bootcamp Day 28: the Journey to Financial Freedom
Next Steps
What's My Next Step?
JJ's Self-Image Rising Course (plus discount code)
JJ's Real Estate Investing Without More Debt Course (plus discount code)
JJ's Study of the Science of Getting Rich (Authentic Abundance)
Please Give JJ Feedback
28 Days to Financial Freedom Bootcamp Feedback Request
BONUS COURSE: 7 Steps to Go From 6-Figure Debt to 6-Figure Income
MP3 Version (All Lessons in One File)
Step 1: Be Intentional (MP4)
Step 2: Be Insulated (MP4)
Step 3: Be Debt Free (MP4)
Step 4: Be Protected (MP4)
Step 5: Be Invested (MP4)
Step 6: Be Transformational (MP4)
Step 7: Be Abundant (MP4)
Day 22: What Is My Investment Time Horizon?
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