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People Like Me
Overview of the Project
JJ's Invitation
What is This About and What is the Goal?
Rights and Disclaimer
How Anyone Can Help
Part 1: Talk About It
Coming soon! Compilation of Interviews and Video/Audio Submissions
Let's talk about White Flight and Real Estate (12 June 2020)
Let's talk about racial economic disparity, part 1 (23 June 2020) MP3 and MP4
Let's talk about me calling you racist (1 July 2020) MP4 and MP3
Let's talk about the right to protect your property (25 July 2020) MP3 and MP4
Let's talk about racism (from both Whites and Blacks) against interracial couples (and does it happen to other "mixes"?)
Let's talk about "Asians work hard, Blacks are deadbeats" stereotype (will be scheduled via zoom and fb live soon)
Let's talk about how College Loans are siphoning wealth from people of color (will be scheduled via zoom and fb live soon)
Let's talk about redlining, race-based appraisals, "White Flight," and the myth of home-ownership economic disparity Pt2 (will be scheduled via zoom and fb live soon)
Let's talk about prison labor and the 13th Amendment (will be scheduled via zoom and fb live soon)
Let's talk about JJ being told "Blacks Can't Do Physics" (19 Oct and 5 Dec events) MP4 and MP3
Part 2: Learn About It
Reading List (Many of these Are Available At the Library)
Watchlist (DVD / TV / Documentaries etc)
PhillyBobPK reads Boyce Watkins "It Takes a Village To Raise the Bar"
Ode to a Dying People (If this is the way my race ends)
Jane Elliott's The Angry Eye
13th By Netflix (full feature)
Part 3: BE About It
Host the Dialogue
Host Fundraisers
Write Statements (Personal and Professional)
Military Specific
CSAF Gen Goldfein & CMSAF Wright A Conversation 2 June 2020
CSAF & CMSAF Dialogue on Race 3 June 2020
Gen. CQ Brown, Jr."What I'm Thinking About" 5 Jun 2020
USFK's Stronger Together Event 7 June 2020
Major DaMond Davis, USFK’s Deputy Inspector General 7 June 2020
Lackland AFB Visior Center 9 Jun 2020
PBS News: Race in the Ranks 9 Jun 2020
81st Air Control Squadron #CareMore 12 June 2020
Admiral McRaven “Make the Bed” Speech University of Texas Graduation 2014
US Air Force Academy Prep School Incident Sept 2017
House Armed Services Committee - Diversity in the Military April 2020
Yet Another (Dec 2020) IG Report on the Disparity of Justice for the Air Force (that will probably have no more results than the last 3 reports that said the same thing)
Let's talk about JJ being told "Blacks Can't Do Physics" (19 Oct and 5 Dec events) MP4 and MP3
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