About the Retreat

** Scheduling on hold due to COVID **

The Reconnect With Myself Retreat is designed to multiply your effectiveness, productivity, happiness, and success by getting back in touch with who you were meant to be. We live such busy lives that sometimes we forget who we are. Or, we've spent so long playing expected roles for everyone else, we don't even know what we like or what we want anymore!

RE-DISCOVER your inner talents with a series of workshops and exercises that will activate your brain's automatic success mechanism

RE-VIVE and energize your spirit by letting go of the past so you can craft a life YOU crave

RE-CONNECT with your innermost longings and joys - harnessing the power of what brings you joy and using that energy to nurture your soul and help you soar above future obstacles

Tentative Agenda (subject to change)

Day 0

Attendees arrive and explore downtown Hot Springs

Day 1

9:00 am Breakfast/Registration, Mixer/Door Prizes

9:30  Intention Setting / Values Exercise (JJ Conway)

10:00 Intention Jewelry Making

11:00 Spa Time / Lunch (on your own)

2:00 pm Authentic Journaling

3:00 22 Rocks / Anxiety / Depression (TBD)

4:00 POP & Play Workshop (JJ Conway)

5:00 TBD Workshop

6:15 JJ’s Birthday Dinner @ Fisherman’s Wharf

8:30 Trash the Masks Workshop (TBD)

10:00 Night Sounds / Meditative Yoga (TBD)

NOTE: All day long: creative stations will be available for exploration and Healing My Sisters Virtual Summit Sessions will play on a rolling basis

Day 2

7:00 am Meditative Hike (TBD)

9:00 Breakfast / Door Prizes / Intention Re-Deux

9:30 Creative Stations / Private Coaching (scheduled individually)

11:00 Blessing / Dismissal (JJ Conway)

12:00pm Victory Lunch

1:00-4:00pm (optional) Purpose Vision Goals workshop

Day 3

9:00am - 1pm Strategic Retreat (additional fee)

This highly-requested follow-on session will help you harness the power of the creative energy unlocked during the refreshing time of "Reconnect With Myself" retreat. During the Strategic Planning Retreat, you'll transmute this creative energy into concrete action plans that will increase your profits, personal satisfaction, and impact.

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